At Raymond James, Ribble Valley we offer ethical portfolios built by you.
It’s easier than ever to align your investments with your moral compass. So why wouldn't you?
Many people only want to profit from companies with certain characteristics and they want to make sure that their views are reflected. We have a highly bespoke investment proposition and state-of-the-art tools which allow us to cater to clients’ ethical preferences, however specific they are. We also help clients to understand what is important to them and then make sure that their values are reflected in their portfolios.
Our Process:
First, we look at what clients don’t want to invest in. This could companies involved in armaments, tobacco, alcohol, animal testing, gambling etc… we can also drill down to the next level to allow a percentage of revenues. For example, someone might not want to invest in an alcohol company per se but wouldn’t mind investing in a hotel chain that makes a small percentage of its revenues from alcohol sales.
Then we move on to what people do want to invest in. This can be broad-based such as wanting to invest in innovative companies that are solving the world’s problems. We incorporate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) in all of our research as there is good reason to believe that the most sustainable and well-governed companies will offer shareholders the best long-term returns.
We can also offer positive screening very specifically. Do people only want to invest in companies with excellent human rights track records, for example? Or in renewable energy? Or those that contribute positively to their community?
Having reviewed all other financial goals and risk profile we can then build a bespoke portfolio to meet a) client needs and financial goals and b) reflect their views in what it is invested in. There is no limit to how bespoke we can make you portfolio. There are over 40,000 listed companies and we have an enormous amount of research available to us. This allows us to build diversified portfolios for people with even the most specific views and preferences without necessarily sacrificing performance. Most ‘ethical’ funds exclude certain companies and these are an option for broad-based ethical investing. They cater to the views of the masses though. Only through investing directly in a portfolio of shares designed specifically for a client can all their views be best accommodated.
Clients have unlimited access to their wealth manager and we review goals and any changes in ethical preferences on a regular basis.