Longridge Soapbox Derby

Longridge Soapbox Derby

Gary Ward, Head of Branch Financial Planning and Chairman of the Love Longridge business group shares the excitement building around the town for this years’ most talked about event: “We are delighted to be supporting this brilliant, new, fun event which is coming to Longridge in September.”

“Road closures are sorted, Kart applications have been received and the relevant teams are now busily building their perfect racing machines…. as well as choreographing dance routines to perform on the start platform!!”

“Why not see the action from close range? – volunteers are needed to help make the event run smoothly and we would love it if you would volunteer. There are all sorts of things you can do on the day, and you can volunteer as much time as you like. We will provide food and drink for everyone who helps us on the day…Go on! Be a part of the best event of the year!”

Wayne Hayhurst added: “If our involvement helps light the fire for other businesses and individuals to be involved that would be tremendous. The Soap Box Derby gives Longridge the opportunity to say to its residents and visitors, old and new, it’s not just a great place to live but has a real sense of community and purpose.”

See more pictures and details by following the link: lep.co.uk/whats-on/things-to-do/longridge-soap-box-derby

Special Thanks

Ultimately, none of this would have been possible without the shear willpower of some amazing guys, our very own Gary Ward & Wayne Hayhurst.

Thank you. You should be incredibly proud of what you, the community, and the Love Longridge group have achieved. I think it’s time for a bit of well-earned R&R.

What an event. What a team. What a community.
Bigger and better things to come next year… watch this space.

Tom O’Neill: New Birthday Cards

For many, a daily hike became an integral part of their routine during lockdown. For those in and around the Longridge area, they will immediately recognise the adjacent image of the highland cows. These placid animals quickly became ‘local celebrities’, attracting a great deal of visitors to their field atop green bank quarry each week.
This stunning picture was taken by local photographer Tom O’Neill and featured many times on the local community Facebook group, ‘Your Longridge’. Whilst giving our client birthday cards a facelift, we reached out to Tom via social media and asked if he would be willing to feature his striking images of the highland cows on the cover of our cards. Tom was delighted to help and as thank-you he asked us to make a donation to charity on his behalf.
“I would like to say a huge thank you to Raymond James, Ribble Valley for using my images for their birthday cards – it’s a supreme privilege and honour for me to have been asked”.

Local Team Sponsorships

Longridge Local Team Sponsorships

Andrew Barr, Wealth Manager at the Ribble Valley branch, reflects on some of our most recent sponsorships and why investing in local sports teams is so important to us and our community:

“We’re always looking for ways to help our local community and the idea of sponsoring grass roots football is always appealing as it provides so many benefits to young people. From learning to work together to staying active, competitive sports teach children valuable lessons that they’ll carry with them throughout life.”

“A number of our employees are avid football and cricket fans, so we’ll be watching the teams with great interest to follow their progress”.

‘SOS Kit Aid’ Golf Day

SOS Kit Aid Golf Events Get Off the Ground with Support from Halbro Sportswear

Raymond James supported the ‘SOS Kit Aid’ golf day on June 23rd at Staining lodge golf club. SOS kit aid is a fantastic charity that distributes second-hand and unused rugby kits to disadvantaged youngsters across the globe. These donations have benefitted over 350,000 young people thus far. Thanks go to regional director Andy Thompson for the fine work he and wife Kathryn do for the charity and for a great day. Should anyone be interested in helping ‘SOS Kit Aid’ please get in touch with your adviser and we will point you in the right direction.

Click the address to find out more: https://www.soskitaid.com/latestnews/first-halbro-sponsored-sos-kit-aid-golf-event-is-a-great-success/


The Raymond James team of Paul Gavaghan, Tony Brown, Jason Keogh and Dan Glover were victorious with 95 Stableford points and were presented their prize by Rugby hall of famer, Gill Burns MBE

Matt Robinson: West Lancs Sprint Triathlon

West Lancs Sprint Triathlon was great fun and the perfect introduction to triathlons. I’d recommend it to anyone who fancies having a go. Luckily, I was sat next to a veteran Iron Man athlete on the poolside pre-race, who talked me through his strategy, which calmed my nerves and set me up for a successful day.

My swim was composed, my cycle felt good… then the run was absolute murder! I completed it in 1h 5m 02s, placing 42nd out of 481 finishers, which I’ll take for my first go-out! I’m looking forward to the next one…

Dan’s 15,000 Tandem Skydive

Dan’s 15,000 Tandem Skydive

Back in March, my brother and I completed a 15,000ft tandem skydive at Black Knights Parachute Centre.

The whole crazy idea came from a wild joke, mentioned at the dinner table for my brother’s birthday and concluded with us both throwing ourselves out of a plane.

The entire experience was adrenaline-packed, from getting onto the plane to the first look down at the edge, it was by far the most extreme activity I’ve completed to date.

However, the sky was clear, and the day was warm, and I’d recommend it to anyone who fancies the experience.

Keep Longridge tidy


This event has now passed, view our latest community updates here.

This year Raymond James Ribble Valley want to bring the community together on Saturday 19th September.

As we emerge from COVID-19 Raymond James Ribble Valley want to bring the community together on Saturday 19th September.

The campaign, Keep Longridge Tidy, has a clear aim – to connect people in our community and clear up litter in Longridge.

This initiative encourages individuals, community groups, schools, groups of friends and local authority to work together to keep our village clean because we believe a tidy community, is a happy one.

If you live in the local area and would like take part, please email Alastair.Brown@RaymondJames.com, call 01772 780300 or drop into the Raymond James Ribble Valley office for more information.

We hope you will be able to join us for what will be a great community event!

Longridge does Christmas


This event has now passed, view our latest community updates here.

This year our doors are open in support of Longridge Does Christmas and Rock FM’s Mission Christmas – Cash for Kids appeal.

It’s a heart-breaking thought that there are thousands of children who are likely to be waking up to no presents on Christmas Day. For some families Christmas is a luxury they just can’t afford. With your help we can make a difference. From 11th November we’ll be taking donations of new and unwrapped gifts, so please drop in and show your support for such a worthwhile cause. On the night of the 28th we will be selling raffle tickets to win a Christmas hamper with all proceeds being donated to the appeal. There will be plenty of tasty treats and hot drinks.

Help us make this Christmas Day different!

Create Longridge paintings


This event has now passed, view our latest community updates here.

About Create Longridge

The essence of Create Longridge is to capture Longridge in one day through the eyes of the incredibly talented artists taking part. Each artist will bring their own style and vision, whether that is a painting of the beautiful countryside, the historic architecture or the wonderful people of the town. There are no rules on size or style, the form of the work is for each artist to determine.

As one of the main sponsors of the event Wayne is invited to be a part of the judging – as a result, the winning pieces from 2018 and 2019 are proudly hanging in the reception of our office.

Geoff Rollinson has been our resident artist in both 2018 and 2019.

